
class Lib3MF::CObject : public CResource
eObjectType GetType()

Retrieves an object’s type


returns object type enum.

void SetType(const eObjectType eObjectType)

Sets an object’s type


eObjectType – object type enum.

std::string GetName()

Retrieves an object’s name


returns object name.

void SetName(const std::string &sName)

Sets an object’s name string


sName – new object name.

std::string GetPartNumber()

Retrieves an object’s part number


returns object part number.

void SetPartNumber(const std::string &sPartNumber)

Sets an objects partnumber string


sPartNumber – new object part number.

bool IsMeshObject()

Retrieves, if an object is a mesh object


returns, whether the object is a mesh object

bool IsComponentsObject()

Retrieves, if an object is a components object


returns, whether the object is a components object

bool IsValid()

Retrieves, if the object is valid according to the core spec. For mesh objects, we distinguish between the type attribute of the object:In case of object type other, this always means false.In case of object type model or solidsupport, this means, if the mesh suffices all requirements of the core spec chapter 4.1.In case of object type support or surface, this always means true.A component objects is valid if and only if it contains at least one component and all child components are valid objects.


returns whether the object is a valid object description

void SetAttachmentAsThumbnail(CAttachment *pAttachment)

Use an existing attachment as thumbnail for this object


pAttachment – Instance of a new or the existing thumbnailattachment object.

PAttachment GetThumbnailAttachment()

Get the attachment containing the object thumbnail.


Instance of the thumbnailattachment object or NULL.

void ClearThumbnailAttachment()

Clears the attachment. The attachment instance is not removed from the package.

sBox GetOutbox()

Returns the outbox of a build item


Outbox of this build item

std::string GetUUID(bool &bHasUUID)

Retrieves an object’s uuid string (see production extension specification)


bHasUUID – flag whether the build item has a UUID


returns object uuid.

void SetUUID(const std::string &sUUID)

Sets a build object’s uuid string (see production extension specification)


sUUID – new object uuid string.

PMetaDataGroup GetMetaDataGroup()

Returns the metadatagroup of this object


returns an Instance of the metadatagroup of this object

void SetSlicesMeshResolution(const eSlicesMeshResolution eMeshResolution)

set the meshresolution of the mesh object


eMeshResolution – meshresolution of this object

eSlicesMeshResolution GetSlicesMeshResolution()

get the meshresolution of the mesh object


meshresolution of this object

bool HasSlices(const bool bRecursive)

returns whether the Object has a slice stack. If Recursive is true, also checks whether any references object has a slice stack


bRecursive – check also all referenced objects?


does the object have a slice stack?

void ClearSliceStack()

unlinks the attached slicestack from this object. If no slice stack is attached, do noting.

PSliceStack GetSliceStack()

get the Slicestack attached to the object


returns the slicestack instance

void AssignSliceStack(CSliceStack *pSliceStackInstance)

assigns a slicestack to the object


pSliceStackInstance – the new slice stack of this Object

typedef std::shared_ptr<CObject> Lib3MF::PObject

Shared pointer to CObject to easily allow reference counting.