
class Lib3MF::CBeamLattice : public CBase
Lib3MF_double GetMinLength()

Returns the minimal length of beams for the beamlattice.


minimal length of beams for the beamlattice

void SetMinLength(const Lib3MF_double dMinLength)

Sets the minimal length of beams for the beamlattice.


dMinLength – minimal length of beams for the beamlattice

void GetClipping(eBeamLatticeClipMode &eClipMode, Lib3MF_uint32 &nUniqueResourceID)

Returns the clipping mode and the clipping-mesh for the beamlattice of this mesh.

  • eClipMode – contains the clip mode of this mesh

  • nUniqueResourceID – filled with the UniqueResourceID of the clipping mesh-object or an undefined value if pClipMode is MODELBEAMLATTICECLIPMODE_NONE

void SetClipping(const eBeamLatticeClipMode eClipMode, const Lib3MF_uint32 nUniqueResourceID)

Sets the clipping mode and the clipping-mesh for the beamlattice of this mesh.

  • eClipMode – contains the clip mode of this mesh

  • nUniqueResourceID – the UniqueResourceID of the clipping mesh-object. This mesh-object has to be defined before setting the Clipping.

bool GetRepresentation(Lib3MF_uint32 &nUniqueResourceID)

Returns the representation-mesh for the beamlattice of this mesh.


flag whether the beamlattice has a representation mesh.


nUniqueResourceID – filled with the UniqueResourceID of the clipping mesh-object.

void SetRepresentation(const Lib3MF_uint32 nUniqueResourceID)

Sets the representation-mesh for the beamlattice of this mesh.


nUniqueResourceID – the UniqueResourceID of the representation mesh-object. This mesh-object has to be defined before setting the representation.

void GetBallOptions(eBeamLatticeBallMode &eBallMode, Lib3MF_double &dBallRadius)

Returns the ball mode and the default ball radius for the beamlattice of this mesh.Returns the ball mode and the default ball radius for the beamlattice of this mesh.

param eBallMode:

contains the ball mode of this mesh

param dBallRadius:

default ball radius of balls for the beamlattice

typedef std::shared_ptr<CBeamLattice> Lib3MF::PBeamLattice

Shared pointer to CBeamLattice to easily allow reference counting.